Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Still one of my goals . . .

So I haven't been keeping up with my goal of posting every day or week or even month, but I could pass up an opportunity to post something today (thanks to all four of you for staying with me).
This just in at the Big Red Robot: Mix Master D-Todd is always putting together some killerly wicked mixtapes on his bloggity-blog and is offerin' a bonus mix to those who blog about his awesomeness (he's kind of a narcissist). But I love his narcissism and I will blog about him all day everyday (which you know is a lie because I have only blogged, like four times). Anyway- here is the link to this month's mix about sounds that are warm and the master list of all his mixtapes ever created, ever. His mixtapes are way good. The last one I downloaded has a play count of, like, 27 in my iTunes. Oh, and you can check his blog every month for new mixtaperiness. And besides his mixtapes, he can sometimes string together a few words that make you laugh, cry, think, or vomit. Enjoy.

1 comment:

Megan said...

dang you shon feller. i just spent 4 hours downloading play lists and then listening to them and enjoying myself. Do you hear me? I enjoyed it. And I'm blaming you.