Friday, December 19, 2008

This Post is Dedicated to Dylan . . .

For the final in my Commercial Art class students are creating a movie poster for a movie that they have to make up (they have to write a short summary of the plot). One of the student's movies inspired this little movie trailer. And a shout out to the drama department for the use of the costume . . . 
So I really want to be a good post-er and post everyday and get good feedback and improve my lesson plans and stuff. Please, everyone, keep encouraging me to post. I just need to think WWDD (what would Dylan do (Dylan is the master of blog and the only person who reads this blog beside my wife)). 


the fellers said...

oh my gosh....haha...i love you...

Mallory said...

I hate you! Looove Mal

Anonymous said...

hahah funny. this is bephy by the way

Steven W. Hopkins said...

You sounded a little drunk. But that's okay. I really dug the accent. Like with a shovel. What kind of research did you do to achieve that? None you say. Well, I am impressed.